Monday, January 24, 2011

Bad news, Good news and Music

I am done with week 1 of the 28 day bootcamp.

Bad news

I didn't lose any weight.

Good news

I didn't gain any weight.


I found my Ace of Base cd. Awesome!!! Rocking out to "I saw the sign".

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Its been 2 months.

It has been 2 months since I posted anything. Life is finally slowing down just enough for it to speed back up. Today I am taking a Mommy Day. I am doing just the things that are necessary and everything else is for me.

This morning I did a 10 minute kickboxing cardio video followed by a 7 minute core workout. I have so far made good food choices for today. I am counting down the days until Valentines Day to see my progress. I will be taking the journey to the new me one day at a time.

Today Lilla is 8 months old. I can't believe it!!! She is crawling all over the place. Hopefully she will be getting ready to walk soon. I would like to not have to worry about all the little specks on the floor that she wants to put in her mouth.

Paige is an aspiring ballerina now. Thanks to the Angelina Ballerina video the girls got for Christmas. It is wonderful watching her twirl and bow in all her glory(naked).

Michael has been doing well. He is recovering from Strep Throat. He is going to try to spend the night at a friend's house this weekend. I hope it goes well. I am a little apprehensive about the amount of supervision that they will have. But I need to trust that Michael will make good choices or he will be grounded for life.

Johnathan has been Johnathan. Homework is still a battle (when he brings it home). His room is still a mess. And me is now almost as tall as I am. He is going to try to be a part of the school yearbook group. I hope he has fun.

And finally, Jon. He has just started his last semester. He will (fingers crossed) be graduating in May. I hope this semester goes smoother that last semester.