Saturday, November 20, 2010

6 months

Wow!! I can't believe Lilla is 6 months old already. I took her for her 6 month check up yesterday. She weighs 17 pounds and 4 ounces. She is also 27 inches long. She is doing great. She has 2 teeth and really lets us know when she is mad. When she go her shots, she screamed. First from it hurting, and then because she was pissed.  She has been getting mad a lot lately. She wants to crawl. She is almost there. Lilla can get up on her hands and knees and can scoot backwards. She just hasn't gotten down the moving forward part. But she will figure that out soon. She is very smart.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Johnathan's home

Johnathan got back from his trip today. He had a lot of fun. Only problem was..... he lost his MP3 player. He didn't lose it on the way to McCall. He din't lose it on the way back from McCall. He lost it on the 20 minute bus ride home from the school. Amazing.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Take 2

Let's try this again.

I started this blog to be able to help me get through this crazy life of mine. But then life got so busy and crazy that I didn't have time. So now I am trying this again.

This is going to be a "catch up" post. Just a little bit about everything that has happened in the past couple weeks.

My birthday was last month. We went to the U of I Homecoming fireworks and bonfire.

Then came halloween.
 Johnathan's pumpkin
 Paige's pumpkin
 Lilla's pumpkin
Michael's pumpkin

I forgot to get pics of the kids in their costumes. The U of I took their picture and as soon as I get it, I will post it.

The next item on the adgenda is Johnathan's birthday.
 His cake.
 Johnathan with Michael bothering him.
Johnathan without Michael.

And finally, today Johnathan left to go to Science camp. He will be back on Friday. I really hope all goes well.

Well, I better get some sewing done. I have a big craft fair this weekend.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Crazy Life

Ok. I have not posted anything in a while. Life has been so crazy lately. Maybe not crazy, but just nonstop. Lilla has been teething. Paige has been...well, Paige. She is the poster child for the Terrible Two's. Michael has been doing great in school but fretting that he is not doing good enough. Johnathan is finally caught up on his homework, at least in Math. This week he got to actually ride a horse in his horseback riding program.

Things at the Center have been going well. We are starting a preschool library for the preschool students. I can't wait until it is up and running. Tomorrow is my birthday. We are supposed to go to the homecoming fireworks to celebrate. Hopefully Paige will be feeling better so we can go. Well, gotta go clean. Housing is doing Health and Safety inspections next week. I gotta get the mound called Paige's room in order. For the past 5 months it has been the laundry dumping ground. Maybe I will find the boys' socks finally.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nothing happened yesterday. Not much happened today either.

We woke up. Had oatmeal for breakfast. Paige washed her face with the oatmeal. Paige got a bath.

Then something interesting happened. Paige handcuffed herself with Lilla's baby links. There were 3 of them linked together and Paige put her hands through the 2 outer ones. She thought it was fun until she couldn't get out. I had to have Jon come and help her because I was trying to get a picture. Jon was able to free Paige but I didn't get a picture. Paige wouldn't hold still.

Well, this afternoon, Ashley took me and the girls to Rosauers for the 13 hour meat sale.  I got some pork loin chops and chicken breasts. I also picked up cereal and cantaloupes. Paige looked so cute that she got a balloon.

I made Baked Pork Chops for dinner tonight. They actually turned out pretty good. I used some of the loin chops that I picked up today. I know my mom is going to want the recipe, so here it is.

Oven Baked Pork Chops

1.5-2 pounds pork chops
2 Tbs oil
1 can cream of chicken soup
2/3 cup milk
1 tsp garlic powder
dash of pepper
1 bag of egg noodles
1 bag of broccoli

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brown the chops in oil on each side. Place in ovenproof dish. Combine soup, milk, garlic powder, and a dash of pepper. Mix well. Pour over chops. Cover with foil. Bake 45 minutes.
Serve with noodles and broccoli.


After dinner, Michael was telling us about a kid that played a prank on him today. We told him that he should play with that boy since pranks are not nice. He said "But he's my friend. He taught me what a prank is." 

Tomorrow I take all the kids with me to work. That should be fun.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shopping, a hole, and soup

Today was an eventful day. First, I found Paige in the kitchen this morning. She had gotten my coffee. Luckily it was decaf.

Then my friend Veronica took me grocery shopping. That is always so much fun. And I always wonder how to go shopping with a 2 year old and an infant.

Its easy! You put the baby in the bottom of the cart and cover her with groceries.

Paige was my little helper.

We were able to get most of the stuff to make lunches or the rest of the week.

After that, things were pretty uneventful. Until Michael came home.

While he was down playing at the park, another little boy tried to push him into a hole.

It doesn't look very deep in the picture but it was about 2 feet deep.
After that was taken care of, it was time for dinner.

Santa Fe Soup. It is quick and easy. The only real cooking part of it is browning the ground beef.

Here is the recipe.

Start with browning 1 pound of ground beef. Then add 1 packet ranch dip mix, 1 packet taco seasoning, 1 can of each of corn, kidney beans, and pinto beans. Add in 3 cans of diced tomatoes.
Simmer 20 minutes. Serve with sour cream and Fritos.
Yummy. And there is leftovers.

Also tonight, Paige can now reach the light switches.

By standing on the booster seat.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Tonight's dinner was One Dish Spaghetti. Paige definitely loved it.

BATH TIME!!!!!!!!

Boys are home

Well, the boys got home. Michael got gum from a friend on the bus and Johnathan got covered in ketchup by some kid at lunch. Lovely.  White shirt and ketchup don't mix. What am I going to do? 

First day

Today has so far been relatively uneventful. Paige has been herself. Coloring in non coloring books, turning the DVD player on and off, and changing her mind every 2 seconds about if she wants juice or not.  Then she decided to tell me that Lilla broke her crayon.


Lilla is in her seat asleep. Try that one again.

Lilla has been perfecting her roll. She got her first tooth on Thursday and rolled for the first time last night. She can flip from back to tummy as soon as I put her down. Then she cries to be flipped back over. Why roll to your tummy if you don't like being on your tummy?

Things may get interesting when the boys get home but lets hope it stays calm. Things have been stressful lately.

Jon's grandpa passed away on Saturday and even though it was expected, it is still very sad. We were able to visit and get pictures back in July. I am glad that he is not suffering anymore.